Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The left and the right side of Abraham (God)

The story of Abraham natural chidren written in the Bible constitutes the explanation of the evolution of humanity from a married couple, to a family, and into a nation
The initiative taken by Sarah of giving her husband to her servant can be linked to Eve eating the forbidden fruit and sharing it with her husband, Adam.

We showed that to mix the purity of life with the filth of the body from the dust of the ground defiles or corrupt the life.
In other words, the use of the life from God for human and earthly purposes produces corruption.
The corruption is described as a bad offering to God (Cain).

= Eve+Adam=Cain=Bad Offering.

The fact for Sarah to use God's blessing (Abraham) based on human knowledge (traditions) and for human glory leads to the birth of Ishmael.
Ishmael represents the corruption linked to the carnal life, the life born of human will(traditions).
In other words, God promised to bless the world through the child Abraham will have with his wife Sarah (Isaac). God did not promised to bless the world using the child Sarah will have using her husband.
The blessing of God to Adam and Eve was for them to reproduce themselves accordingly to God's expressed order, not accordingly to their own will.
Cain will belong to the devil, the opposition to God's will, the twist to God's plan.

= Sarah+Abraham=Ishmael(Esau)=Traditions.

Since the beginning, God had made clear that the man was created at His likeness.
Because Abel pleased God, we should agree that he had met God's requirements, that he was the standard set by God.

=Adam-Eve=Abel=Good Offering.

Abel is the life of purity built on God's will, he is born of God's will without human interference.

It is the same with Abraham and his son Isaac.

= Abraham-Sarah=Isaac(Jacob)=Promise

Ishmael and Isaac represent two different peoples of the nations who will be born of abraham.
One of them will be born of the will of God (Isaac) and the other will be born through human interference in God's plan(Ishmael).
Every people of the earth is represented by a leader whose job is to take care of the individuals he represents.
The choice made by Esau, the first born of Isaac, between his birthright(the spiritual) and a meal (material) represents the lifestyle or the worship of the first people born of Abraham(Israel).
Those leaders and their people will use the life from God to seek for material richness, they will corrupt the life in exchanging God's blessing against the material and will be cut off of Abraham's offspring.

The second group and his leaders (Isaac-Jacob) will buy the blessing from the firsts and use it to glorify God, to seek for godliness. They will use their bodies to improve their spiritual lives, to get eternal life(the Church).

The above explanation summarizes the story of the mankind and explains all the trouble in today world.

How do men created on God's image get along with men born of human will?

The presence of the corruption next to the purity defiles the latter, the corruption contaminates the holiness, it destroys progressively the righteousness in spreading through its different components and ends up taking control of the whole body(killing purity).

This process of defilement is described in the Bible by different words like Cain kills Abel (Cain/Abel). It means that Cain mixes with Abel(Cain+Abel) or Cain takes control of Abel. The corruption spreads inside the purity in order to absorb it completely.

In the case of Abraham and Sarah, the Bible speaks about Ishmael persecuting Isaac, trying to take control of him; that's why he was sent away.
Esau was the result of Isaac persecution by Ishmael; his choice explain the lifestyles of the men born of human intrusions in God's will. Think of a rotten apple put next to a good apple.
Esau was the point of contact between the bad and the good apple. The representant of the corruption inside the purity.

To keep Isaac pure, God sent Ishmael away; God cut Jacob from esau influence like someone cutting off a rotten piece of an apple to free the good part.
Jacob choice of the spiritual above the material explains his behavior of a leader of the spiritual life, a life builds on God's promise.

Another explanation of the advance of the corruption is the marriage of people of different lifestyles: the daughters of men marrying the sons of God means the human traditions mixing with the word of God.

The corruption is represented by the people who use their existence to seek for material richness. They can grow their wealth only by using other peoples' lives and turning it into material for themselves.
Their souls are so impregnated by that lifestyle that they lose all restrain and are ready to do whatever it takes to attain their goals. They can kill people, kill their own relatives, sell drugs, prostitute their children, sell guns, start wars...
in order to satisfy their twisted minds.

The corruption controls the truth, it hides behind the truth, it twists the truth in order to justify its evil lifestyle. It is ready to kill anybody who stands in its way.
Because it lives through the destruction of the purity and of the truth, there is only one way to fight against it: to stand up against it and to die for the truth.

The rest of Abraham's descendants is a development of the above explanation as the people multiply and as his behavior translates into a lifestyle born of God's or human will.

Adam's story follows along because it is the summary of Abraham's testimony of the evolution of humanity.

1.Adam & Eve
2. Abraham & Sarah
3. Abraham & Nations

Now we can project the separation of the nations in good and evil based on what happened in both Adam and Abraham's lives; the disobedience will be represented by the followings:

1A. Eve/Adam=> Eve mixes with Adam=>Eve+Adam
2A. Sarah/Abraham=>Sarah uses Abraham for herself=>Sarah+Abraham
3A. Nations/Abraham=>Nations mix with Abraham(Jews) or Nations kill Abraham or Nations control Abraham or Nations uses Abraham for themselves=>Nations+Abraham.
The first nation to twist God's blessing is the people of Israel, Abraham's natural children.
They will use God's blessing to glorify their land, their race, their traditions.
They are only an explanation of how the gentiles will twist the word of God in order to exhalt themselves.

To stop the Gentiles from getting to Abraham(the blessing) directly, God has put him under Sarah's control.
When the Nations will try to get to Abraham, they will need to go through Sarah as followed:

4A. Nations/Sarah/Abraham.

This means that in order to use God's blessing (Abraham) for themselves, the Nations need to kill or to take control or to mix with Sarah's children, the people of israel.
But God has forbidden the people of Israel not to mix with any other people in order to help the Nations move to the right side of Abraham's spiritual descendants, the spiritual Jews or the Church.

The obedience on the other hand will be represented as followed:

1B. Adam/Eve=>Adam is separated of Eve=>Adam-Eve
2B. Abraham/Sarah=> God fulfils His promise without Sarah=> Abraham-Sarah
3B. Abraham/Nations=>God blesses the Nations without human intervention

This means that in order to bless the Nations, God will reveal Abraham's spiritual descendants, the children of the promise represented in the Bible by the Church.
The Church represent Abraham's spiritual children, the children of the promise, who will use Abraham's blessing to glorify God, to exhalt His wisdom, His holiness, His justice...

4B. Abraham/Sarah/Nations=> represent the Nations who follow the example of the Jewish Christians, they receive God's word without trying to change it, submitting themselves to the teaching of Jesus-Christ passed on to the twelve apostles.

To belong to one or the other of Abraham's sides has a spiritual meaning.

Abraham's descendants are the teachings describing the carnal or the spiritual situation of the Nations. They tell us if we will be saved or destroyed.

The Everlasting Gospel will help those who are genuine towards God(the sheep or the wheat) to position themselves with the spiritual Jews in order to be saved while the hypocrites and the liars (the goats or the weed) will refuse to change their position next to the carnal Jews and will go to their doom.

Our next post will show us how the Nations will be separated in good and evil using as criteria the lives of Abraham and Sarah and their descendants the Jewish people.

May God peace be upon all who love Him and may the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all of us.


Map Maker said...

The length and readability of your posts are not improving.

Paul M. Kingery said...

The true spiritual seed of Abraham will soon inherit the land of Israel. We will be a Christian nation, under the rule of Christ. First a great cataclysm will come to scatter or wipe out all who currently live there. For more information on this go to