Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Abraham, the chosen one

"So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again. Let us go instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don't need to start all over again with the importance of turning away from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.
You don't need further instruction about baptism, the laying of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And so God willing we will move forward for further understanding". Hebrews 6:3.


We have seen that the corruption produced by the disobedience (sin) has spread all over humanity and is driving the mankind astray (towards evil) like in the ancient world.

To warn and to teach the faithful ones, God picked a man named Abraham to be used as an instrument to save those who deserve it, those who will be found worthy of eternal life.
In other words, from all the people born of Noah after the mighty flood; God chose Abraham to be the blessing of all the others called the nations or the gentiles.

Abraham had been called by God to bless the nations (Gentiles).
His natural children, the Jews were separated of the Gentiles to serve as a mean of salvation to them. Romans 9:11-13.
This is the only way to understand and to explain the relationship between Jews and Gentiles.
Trying to separate Jews and Gentiles based on human interests and standards is plainly wrong.

The life of Abraham (Jews) will be used by God:

A. To explain what happened and led to the destruction of the ancient world;
B. To predict what will happen in the future;
C. To shield the corruption from wrapping up the purity;
D. To distinguish the rebellion from the submission, to separate evil and good;
E. To serve as a bridge to move humanity from earth to heaven, from death to immortality.

At the end of the day, God will have fulfilled His promise of blessing all the nations through Abraham and his descendants.

The idea here is that God has shown himself through Abraham (the father of the nations).
The Gentiles who are already born naturally of their own parents can be reborn in Abraham (God) only by a spiritual way.
Since Abraham had already his own natural children (Israel), it will be impossible for the nations to pretend to be Abraham's natural descendants (it is a lie). Revelation 2:9; 3:9.

To stress that separation between Gentiles (Abraham's spiritual descendants) and Jews (Abraham's natural descendants), God forbade to Jews to mix with gentiles through marriages or in sharing a common lifestyle.

Only one way is left open: the spiritual link(the Church) that will tie the nations to abraham (God) and lead to eternal life.

Because the nations can be linked to Abraham only following a spiritual link; those of the nations who will pretend to be abraham's natural children will find themselves on the wrong path and must move to the right side in order to be saved.

It is also impossible for the nations to be at the crossing roads of the spiritual and the natural offsprings because only the Jews who left the Law of Moses for the Gospel of Jesus-Christ can justify that kind of double relationship with Abraham.

We repete that the nations born naturally of Adam have inherited of his sin and corruption that lead to death and they need to be born again spiritually in Abraham (God) in order to receive righteousness and holiness that lead to eternal life.

What happened and led to the destruction of the ancient world?
What will happen in the future (today)?
How does Abraham shield purity from the attacks of corruption?
How to distinguish rebellion and submission, evil and good?
How to distinguish the bridge that goes to heaven from the one that leads to the bottomless pit?

All the answers to these questions can be found in exploring the similarities between Abraham and Adam(the disobedience); and between Abraham and Jesus (the obedience).

To move the Gentiles from disobedience to obedience, Abraham needed to become like them (Adam=Abraham) in order to show them the opposite way toward heaven (Abraham=Jesus).
This position between Adam and Jesus enable Abraham to explain what happened in the ancient world and to project what will happen in the future.
Abraham is the stepping stone between Adam and Jesus.



=> 2A.Sarah/Abraham=>(Sarah+Abraham).


=> 2B.Abraham/Sarah=>(Abaham-Sarah).

Following the identical patterns in both Adam's and Abraham's lives, we can uncover the causes and effects of both the obedience and the disobedience in the ancient and in today worlds.
Those patterns bring up the criteria separating rebellion from submission.
Those criteria help to distinguish the lie (evil) and the truth(good) inside the Church of the nations and lay down the two paths leading to eternal doom or eternal life

The Jews are the spiritual path that leads to heaven; they are the spiritual vessel that bridge humanity and divinity, they are the door to immortality.
At the same time, they show the carnal path that leads to destruction; they show the door that goes to eternal damnation.

If the Jews had beleived in Jesus-Christ directly, the spiritual door would have been closed as soon as it had been opened.
To keep the door opens in order to predict and project the behavior of the nations who will rebel against Him,God has hardened their mind until the right time (today).
Romans 11:25-32.

The revelation of this hidden teaching shows God's will of freeing the Jewish minds in order for them to take the lead once more and to open-close the door to heaven. Revelation 7:4;14:1-5.


Let's pretend that you are a father who wants to marry his only daughter and leaves all your richness to the children born of that marriage.
But before the wedding, your daughter sleeps with her husband to be, gets pregnant and gives birth to a first child.
This child is not born following your will (plan) and will not inherit from you.
Let's say that she finally gets married and had a second child with her husband.
The second child is born following your plan (will) and will receive the planned inheritance.

This story illustrate what happened with Adam and Eve and gave life to Cain and Abel.

God wants to give the world (the earth) to those who obey him, who represent His will, his likeness, his glory; He refuses to give the earth to those who despise Him, who oppose him, those who represent themselves.

He has set the creation so that those who reject Him may be bunched together under the disobedience of Adam and Eve:

1A.Eve/Adam or Eve+Adam:

while those who respect and love Him may be gathered together under the obedience of Adam and Eve:

1B. Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve.

When a man builds a house, he designs it so that the used water, the urine and the feces, the garbage and all the dirty material can be gathered and sent away in order to keep the inhabitants of the house clean and in good health.

The disobedience is the garbage and the septic tank destined to be sent away while the obedience represents the inhabitants who will live in the house.


God blessed the world after creating the man. Genesis 1:28.
After the fall, God's plan is to use Abraham's life to bless the world; he will do so using the son (Isaac) born of his wife Sarah.

1B. Adam/Eve
=> (Adam-Eve) = Abel = Good Offering (GO).
=> (Abraham-Sarah) = Isaac = Jacob = Promise (PRO).

But Sarah would not wait any longer and she took that very same life and used to have a child (Ishmael) through her servant (Agar).
Eve did the same thing and dragged Adam into sin.

1A. Eve/Adam
=> (Eve+Adam) = Cain = Bad Offering (BO).
2A. Sarah/Abraham
=> (Sarah+Abraham) = Ishmael = Esau = Traditions (TRA).

God has a global perspective, He sees the welfare of the whole humanity at all the time but the man has a limited perspective; he sees only the profit he can draw for himself in a closed area and a limited time.

When God promised to bless the nations using Abraham's life, He did it on His own; He did not ask for help from Sarah (Abrahaham-Sarah); in the same way when god created the man, He did not need any help coming from Eve (Adam-Eve), He had His own plan.

God had promised that He will bless the world through the son (Isaac), which Abraham will have with his wife Sarah; He did not say that He will bless the world through the son (Ishmael), which Sarah will have through her husband.

This means that God has His own plan and does not need any human interferences; because when human mixes his will with God's (Eve+Adam or Sarah+Abraham), it gives birth to the opposite of God's will: Cain (bad offering) or human traditions (Ishmael=Esau).
But when man follows God's lead without meddling (Adam-Eve or Abraham-Sarah), it leads to the fulfilment of God's promise (Isaac=Jacob) or Abel (the good offering).

We have seen how human interferences twist the straight path of God, how it corrupts the life and uses it on the contrary of God's assigned way; we have seen egally how the submission straighten the path of God, keep the life pure and follow God assigned plan.

Because the life is a process of purification: the fight will translated spiritually in a combat between corruption and purity.
The men who use the life against God's word produce corruption and spread it all over the mankind while the men who live accordingly to God's word will detect the origin of corruption and fight to keep themselves clean.

The corruption is produced by the use of the life from God for human or material purposes also called the human traditions or the life based on human knowledge and interests.
The purity or holiness is produced by the use of life from God for spiritual, godly or heavenly purposes also called the word of God or the life based on God's wisdom.

The male (Adam) represents the life from God (the purity).
The female (Eve) represents the Body from the ground (the corruption).
The use of the life for human or earthly purposes (1A.Eve/Adam or Eve+Adam) defiles the life and gives way to corruption(Cain = Bad Offering)
The use of life for spiritual or godly purposes (1B.Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve) purifies the life and gives way to holiness (Abel = Good Offering).

The man (Abraham) represents the life built upon God's word, a life that walks towards God's promise.

2B. Abraham/Sarah
=> Abraham-Sarah = Isaac = Jacob = Promise (PRO).

The woman (Sarah) represents the life built upon the human traditions, a life that interferes in God's plan.

=> Sarah+Abraham=Ishmael=Esau=Traditions(TRA).

Abraham represents the man who walks following God's spirit; he lives a spiritual life. He represents the Spirit of God: Jesus, the son of God. Romans 8:14.

The nations represent all the people of the earth whose lives are based on human, earthly or material interests; they are guided by the need to sustain their material lives; they represent the human tradition, the carnal life or the life controlled by the body needs also called the flesh.

They will be called byGod to abandon their old lifestyle for the new one brought by the Gospel.
The responses of the nations to God's call will have them redirected and separated in Disobedience and obedience (rebellion and submission or good and evil).

In our next posting, we will show how the nations have gone through God's plan buit around Abraham's life following below summary.

Evolution of the mankind

1.Adam & Eve
2.Abraham & Sarah
3.Abraham & Nations

Separation of the mankind


1A. Eve/Adam
3A.Nations/Abraham => 4A.Nations/Sarah/Abraham.


3B.Abraham/Nations => 4B. Abraham/Sarah/Nations.

The judgment of the nations will be set by their positionment to the left or the right side of Abraham.


Map Maker said...

I would like to have some discussion with you, but I have a favor to ask. Could you make your posts shorter so that they would be in more manageable amounts? They end up covering so much that it's hard to know where to begin. Here are some other questions I had for you.
What specific religious denomination are you affiliated with, if any? How would you briefly answer these questions. Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ?

Just to make it fair, I'll answer my own questions.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
God is the Eternal Father, the Father of our spirits. The literal Father of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the first born in the spirit and only begotten Son of God in the flesh. He is the creator of the world under the direction of the Father. He is the Savior and Redeemer of the World.

Now, how do you answer those questions?

Unknown said...

What specific religious denomination am I affiliate with?

None, I am the bearer of the Everlasting Gospel Revelation; the prophet of nations sent to unveil God's secret plan. The revelation has for purpose to free the minds of beleivers and to help distinguish the beast, the false prophet and the prostitute who are acting up in the Church today and holding it captive through lies.

Even though, I went through many denominations in my search for the truth, God Himself knows why I've been chosen.
I'm pretending to be the winner of the race for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Who is God?

God is the life that has always existed and has chosen to dwell in holiness and righteousness.
He has set up the creation so He can reproduce Himself (have children) through the perfectionment of the human soul.

Jesus-Christ is the illustration of the Holy Spirit(God's lifestyle) using human and earthly material.
Jesus is the mechanism of perfectionment inside the spiritual life.
In other words, the holy Spirit is a life of perpetuel purification; that purification is based on a free choice and practice of God's wisdom.
Once the mechanism has reached a given level, it becomes automatic and reproduces God's life: the Holy Spirit and gives the individual the ability to live forever.
Jesus is that mechanism, the intelligence that sustain and animate the Holy Spirit.
He is the spirit that powers the lives of God's children, he is inside all of them.
Adam is part of all humanity because he gave us his likeness:Eve/Adam=Cain; Jesus is part of all spirituality because all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God(Romans 8:14).Adam/Eve=Abel.
Jesus is the spiritual body, the live inside all who obey God.
He was send in flesh through Abraham's children to predict what will happen in the Church of the nations (Hebrews 10:1).
Here is an illustration:
1.Jesus was killed by the Romans(represented by the emperor).
2.Saddam was (would be) killed by americans(represented by Bush).
1.The Apostles (Paul & Peter) were killed by the Romans (priests?).
2.Saddam's sons were killed by americans (soldiers?)
1.The first Christians were persecuted and killed by the Romans(populace?).
2.Saddam's followers (55 poster cartes) were persecuted and killed by americans (people?).
1.The Goal is to take control of the Church (everyone who beleive and who will beleive in the Gospel) in mixing the roman customs and the Gospel and in giving to the teaching another direction set by the catheschism, which is a roman interpretation of the Bible.
2. The goal is to take control of Irak in mixing the roman custom of democracy and capitalism with the iraquis traditions in order to reoriente their lives and resources to the best interests of the USA.
It is called assimilation.
This technic is shown in the Bible and was the mean of exploitation and plunder of nations by the Romans.
This mean had been used intensively by the western countries throughout their colonisation of the other countries.

The Church is under control of the roman customs of democracy and capitalism, which are corrupting it.
The Everlasting Gospel Revelation shows that reality and urge the Christians to come out of Babylone: the people who pretend to be Christians ans who spread the roman customs of idolatry (capitalism or greed).
The beast is the roman constitution brought to life again by the western countries.
The number of his name is the capitalism.Nobody can't be part of WTO if he doesn't respect the rules of the "free market".
The beast who has two horns like a lamb and who speak like a dragon is a people who pretend to be Christian and who preach and practice the roman customs of war and plunder.

To hold the Church prisonner, the roman customs use some individuals (Judas Iscariot) who infiltrate the Church in order to make money, he betrayed Jesus(sell the Gospel) to the human traditions(race, land or traditions).
To justify their fraud, they add another teaching (another book) to the Bible and proclaim its authority or its holiness and ask the followers tied by a territorial, racial or tribal link to follow and to exhalt the lie.
The coran, the christian sciences of Mary B Eddy, the book of Mormon, Doc Verveil and the Way...
There are hundred of them and still counting.
The idea is to exploit the lives of beleivers and lead them astray.
But the Lord watches His flock and knows the heart of everyone and will show the light to the faithful.
Now, the time has come to reward each of them following his own deeds.

You are right about the lenght of my postings. I'm gonna delete the longer ones and cut them into pieces.

May the Lord bless you.

Brother Julian

Map Maker said...

How did you become a prophet? What authority do you hold? Where did you get your authority? Who gave you your authority? How did they give it to you? When you say “in the Church,” what or who are talking about? Who is a part of this Church and how do they become a part of it? You think getting into the kingdom of heaven is a race? Why should I believe you are a prophet? How can I know?

Map Maker said...
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Unknown said...

How did I become a prophet?

When God calls you to the spiritual life through the Gospel, it is called to be born again.
This new life does not come from the natural parents but from God.
The Holy Spirit is given at that time aa a proof of the spiritual birth. The Holy spirit comes with a particular gift for the holder and helps him to play a definite role in the evolution and the growth of the Church.
The spiritual gifts can be given, enhanced or improved through prayers to God I Corinthians 14.
The spiritual growth is made possible by a healthy nourishment and a good practice of the Word of God I Peter 2:1.
The corrupted teaching and the bad practice of the word of God prevent the spiritual growth and keep the beleivers in a state of a spiritual childhood I Corinthians 3:1-6; Hebrews 5:11-14.
With the spiritual growth, the spitual gifts appear and contribute to God's promise of salvation through the building of the Church. I Corinthiens 12:30.
The gift of prophecy in my case shows itself through an uncommon wisdom and a progressive and logic explanation of things unknown and untaught for centuries.
This teaching or this explanation comes through the mind and can be proved true only in comparing it with the scriptues and the actual reality of the world.
As Paul said, the teaching did not come from a human source, it is a revelation that is still unfolding as time goes by.

Wnat authority do you hold?
Who gave you this authority?

The authority was given to me by God because He entrusted His revelation to me and not to anyone else.
And I know that when the time will come, God will confirm that priviledge.

What is the Church and who is part of it?

The life was given to humanity so it can seek for God (worship or draw near God).
The will of God is that everyone may be saved (the whole mankind).
But how about those who will reject God's plan of salvation and choose to keep on their old lifestyle?
They will thwart God's plan and teach other to do so using lies.

To respond to the rebellion God's built the plan shown in the Bible and set it out to be revealed at the end of the day (today).
Abraham will have two descendants: one linked by the human ties: the common land, the common race, the common human traditions and the use of the life from God for material; the second descendant of Abraham will be linked by a spiritual link: the spirit received through faith without reference to the land, the race or the material but they will be working together to help each other to get to godliness, to reflect the life of God preached by the Gospel and to inherit eternal life.
The mankind will be separated in two people, Babylone the great or the people who despise God and use His life to glorify themselves through the worship of material and the new Jerusalem, the people who use their human lives to grow spiritually.

How do you become part of the Church?

As I said, all humanity had been called to the Kingdom but the resistance of the human traditions to the change planned by the Gospel has created all the congregations you are seeing today.
Many leaders have beleived not to respond to God's call but to keep their positions and their priveledges in their societies.
They became Christians not for godly reasons but for material means and taught other people to do so.
God knew that these things will happen and He has set the world to glorify the faithfuls in handing them over the hypocrites bound by their lies.
To be a sheep, one needs to understand the revelation, which is very clear, join the new Church built only on the Gospel, denounce the lie and the liars inside the Church and stand his ground face to the harsh persecution that will come from the rebellion to God and from the goats.

Is the Kingdom of Heaven a race?

I orinthians 9:24-27;Philippians 3:14; Hebrews 11:40.

Why should you beleive that I am a prophet? how can you know?

You are a very intelligent young man and you have plain control of your mind; you can analyze and find out if what I am saying is the truth in comparing what I teach with the scriptures and the reality around you. And I am hoping that God will help you in your quest for the truth.
We can set a schedule where we can discuss the different notions of the Everlasting Gospel to help you see the big picture.

I hope to have answered some of your questions and am ready for further discussions.

May the Lord's mercy be on us

Map Maker said...

“The Church” is an organization built by Christ. The church is a group of people that have joined that organization. Your answer didn’t even seem to address the question.
In Mathew 16:18, the Savior said, “I will build my church.” It is clear from this statement that it was a future event. It is clear that Christ did as he said he would. The book of Acts goes on and on about the building up of the church and adding people to it. In Acts 2:47 it talks about people being added to the church. The church is organized in a very specific manner. Ephesians 2:19-20 indicates that members of the church are called saints. They (i.e. the church) are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Christ is the chief cornerstone. Ephesians 4:11-14 explains that Christ gave to the church (also referred to as the body of Christ) leaders to perfect them (the saints). Prophets are given to the Church to perfect the saints; they are part of the church, members of the organization. People become members of this church or “body” through baptism which is evidenced in I Corinthians 12:13. The gifts spoken of in I Cor. 12 are given to the church or body of Christ. Christ gave himself for the church, or in other words for the people of His church. (Eph. 5:25). The Holy Spirit is conferred upon people after they are baptized to enter the church; it is done by the laying on of hands by those who have authority. Acts 8:12-20. What man with authority laid his hands upon your head to give you the gift of the Holy Ghost by which you claim to prophecy? Authority comes from others who have authority that was given of God. Those with authority are ordained (Hebrews 5:1) They cannot take this power, authority or honour unto themselves, it must be given. It must be given as it was given to Aaron. (Hebrews 5:4) And how did Aaron get his authority, It was given him by Moses, (Exodus 28:1) the Prophet that had been called of God. A prophet who had spoken with God face to face. (Exodus 33:11)

I’m sorry to say, but by my analysis, you are not a prophet, you have no authority, and you are not part of the body of Christ.

Christ’s Church has been restored as a part of the restitution of all things that Peter and every other holy prophet prophesied. (Acts 3:21) If you truly are a prophet, you will be able to tell me what the restitution of all things is, what it entails and why it is so important that all the holy prophets have spoken of it.

Map Maker said...
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Map Maker said...
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Map Maker said...
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Unknown said...

Brother Aaron,

You have said it.
I am not a prophet; especially for you.
As the Lord Jesus put it: nobody can come to me unless the Father send him.
If my predication can not convince you; if God can not talk to your heart and show that the revelation is not coming from a human source, I can not do anything about it.
By the way. I saw that you were reading the other blog: intelligent design vs evolution.
It is a way to illustrate what I was explaining in the revelation.
The future will tell us if I am not what I pretend to be.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.