Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Disobedience and obedience


1. Adam & Eve
1A. Eve + Adam
1B. Adam - Eve

2. Abraham & Sarah
2A. Sarah + Abraham
2B. Abraham - Sarah

3. Abraham & the Nations
3A. Nations + Abraham or
4A. Nations+(Sarah+Abraham)
3B. Abraham - Nations or
4B. (Abraham-Sarah)-Nations


All humanity comes from Adam and Eve.
The people of the ancient world (Genesis) were separated
in desobedience and obedience:
the disobedients (1A.Eve+Adam) were destroyed by the mighty flood while
the obedients (1B. Adam- Eve) were saved by the Ark (Noah and his family).

From all men born of Noah and his three sons,
God chose Abraham to be the savior of all the others.
Abraham and Sarah and their children,
the Jews will be used by God to teach and to separate
all the other nations called the gentiles.

The Jews will be separated in two different groups:
the disobedience (2A. Sarah+Abraham) and
the obedience (2B. Abraham-Sarah).

This will allow the separation of the rest of the nations or the gentiles
in two different groups based on the criteria set up using Abraham's life
as shown the Bible.
To belong to the right or the left side of Abraham will determine
the state of mind of every single nation.

(3A. Nations+Abraham) gathers
the disobedience of the nations and
(3B. Abraham-Nations) shows the nations
that are part of the obedience.

Applying 2A and 2B to 3A and 3B gives
(4A. Nations+(Sarah+Abraham) and
(4B. Abraham-Sarah)-Nations), which are the nations linked to
the disobedience or the obedience of Abraham and Sarah using their children,
the Jewish people.

At the end of the day (today), God will reveal this truth to His chosen ones,
so that they can pass it on to the nations in order for them to position
themselves on the good side of Abraham (Jesus) and inherit the eternal life
promised to them since the foundation of the world.

The nations that will abide by God's rules: the sheep or the wheat,
will be saved while those that will reject God's plan: the goats or the weed,
will be destroyed.

Remember the right side and the left side of Abraham represent
the left side and the right side of the son of man.
Matthew 25: 31-46.

Creation, disobedience and obedience

The Bible describes the relationship between God (the Creator) and humanity (the creature). This relationship opens two ways: the disobedience, when humanity goes its on way and turns his back to God’s will; and obedience, when humanity follows God’s word and submits to God’s will.

We have two famous names in the Bible to represent the two concepts:
Adam for the disobedience and Abraham for the obedience.

The mankind will be separated in two different people based on these two concepts.
The men who despise or reject God’s word are the bearer of the curse;
they will bring pain and suffering on the mankind.
Those who follow Adam’s example will share with him the eternal shame that is the reward for their evil deeds.

Those who love and submit to God will spread joy and wellness upon humanity;
they will share with Abraham, an eternal glory for spreading God’s blessing upon the mankind.

Principles of the creation.

The relationship of obedience or disobedience between God and humanity,
is explained through the Bible as a relationship between a man and a woman.

1. Adam & Eve.
2. Abraham & Sarah.
…God created man,
male and female, He created them. Genesis 1:27.
...for man is God's glory, made in God's own image but
woman is the glory of man. I Corinthians 11:7.
The male represents the invisible part of the human life:
the purity of life from Heaven (God) while the female represents the visible part of human life:
the filthiness of the body from the ground (the earth).
The meeting of the life and the body gives the living soul:
the feeling of life through the body senses.
And the Lord God formed a man's body from the dust
of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life.
And the man became a living person. Genesis 2:7.

The spiritual life (the Spirit)

The Bible says that God created the man to His likeness, to His own image.Genesis 1:27.
The will or the plan of God for the man is to reproduce or to reflect the existence or the lifestyle of the invisible God.
In other words, the use of the life from God by the man must be done accordingly to God's word.
1A. Adam-Eve => Abel => good offering.
2A. Abraham-Sarah => Isaac => Jacob => The promise of blessing

In this case, the man respects the order set up by God.
For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman but woman for man. I Corinthians 11:8-9.

The practice of the word of God will give birth to a lifestyle built upon God Spirit, a reflect of God's image.
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Romans 8:14.

The carnal life (the flesh)

God did not create man for him to use the life from God to do his own will, to please himself. In doing so, the man goes against God's order, he creates a life opposed to God's spirit, the evil spirit or the corruption that comes from a mix between the purity od life and the filthiness of the body. For example:

1B. Eve+Adam => Cain => Bad offering

2B. Sarah+Abraham => Ishmael => Traditions,

The man must not use the life based on his own plans, he must follow God's direction.

The human life.

There is a long periode between a man birth and the time when he will be able to understand and to practice God's will. That time is consacrated to the physical growth of the body without much consideration for the word of God; it is the time allowed for human multiplication.

God's plan of reproducing Himself (to have many children) can be reached only by giving an identity to different human beings born of different races and parents and living on different parts of the earth; their races, their locations and their lifestyles serving as means of identification that will be used to reward or to punish them.

But even that period of time is reglemented: the men who will not be conceived based on God's intentions will be set aside of the selection.

The human life( the life based on the satisfaction of the body needs) is the opposite of the spiritual life (the life based on the life needs); it serves as a foundation for the spiritual life.

The good observance of God's rules in that period contributes to an easy passage from humanity to spirituality while the lack of observance will lead to a difficult passage or to a jam.
The human life is interesting to God only if it can lead to a spiritual life.
A human life that does not open on a spiritual path is useless and destined to destruction.

The human life produces a corruption that spreads and infects the other lives around it;
it gets worst as time goes by and must be destroyed.

1A. Eve + Adam => Cain => Bad offering and
2A. Sarah + Abraham => Ishmael => human traditions
had infected all the lives around them.
The first led to the flood and the second led to the rejection of Israel.

3. Abraham & the nations
God has shown Himself through Abraham in making him father of the nations.
God is spirit and all nations are made of flesh.
Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh...Genesis 6:3.

1A. Eve+Adam.
2A. Sarah + Abraham
Eve dragging Adam into sin or Sarah giving Abraham to her servant show how humans will use the life from God for human, earthly or material purposes.
It is a prediction of the sin or the way men will turn away from God's will.
A prophesy explaining how the man will use the life to fulfill his material interest without regards to the will of God.
How the nations or the gentiles will use God's blessing (the Gospel) as a mean to fulfill their selfish human agenda .

The human life is a selection by itself.
All men are born outside of God's will (they are born sinners).
Only those conceived following God preset criteria will be allowed inside the spiritual realm while those conceive outside of God's revealed law will be kept outside of God's presence.
But the scriptures have declared that we are all prisoners of sin, so the only way to receive God's promise is to beleive in Jesus-Christ. Galatians 3:22.

In the other hand, the use of the soul for spiritual, godly or heavenly purposes is the righteousness or the obedience.
(1B.Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve).
In this case the man uses his body to fulfill God’s requirements.

The use of the life for material purposes corrupts the life,
it spoils the life that turns into a harmful power:
the devil or the opposition to God also called the carnal life or the sinful nature.

The use of the body for spiritual purposes improves the life,
it enhances the life and turns it into constructive power:
Jesus-Christ or the submission to God also called the spiritual life or the Spirit.

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