Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The left and the right side of Abraham (God)

The story of Abraham natural chidren written in the Bible constitutes the explanation of the evolution of humanity from a married couple, to a family, and into a nation
The initiative taken by Sarah of giving her husband to her servant can be linked to Eve eating the forbidden fruit and sharing it with her husband, Adam.

We showed that to mix the purity of life with the filth of the body from the dust of the ground defiles or corrupt the life.
In other words, the use of the life from God for human and earthly purposes produces corruption.
The corruption is described as a bad offering to God (Cain).

= Eve+Adam=Cain=Bad Offering.

The fact for Sarah to use God's blessing (Abraham) based on human knowledge (traditions) and for human glory leads to the birth of Ishmael.
Ishmael represents the corruption linked to the carnal life, the life born of human will(traditions).
In other words, God promised to bless the world through the child Abraham will have with his wife Sarah (Isaac). God did not promised to bless the world using the child Sarah will have using her husband.
The blessing of God to Adam and Eve was for them to reproduce themselves accordingly to God's expressed order, not accordingly to their own will.
Cain will belong to the devil, the opposition to God's will, the twist to God's plan.

= Sarah+Abraham=Ishmael(Esau)=Traditions.

Since the beginning, God had made clear that the man was created at His likeness.
Because Abel pleased God, we should agree that he had met God's requirements, that he was the standard set by God.

=Adam-Eve=Abel=Good Offering.

Abel is the life of purity built on God's will, he is born of God's will without human interference.

It is the same with Abraham and his son Isaac.

= Abraham-Sarah=Isaac(Jacob)=Promise

Ishmael and Isaac represent two different peoples of the nations who will be born of abraham.
One of them will be born of the will of God (Isaac) and the other will be born through human interference in God's plan(Ishmael).
Every people of the earth is represented by a leader whose job is to take care of the individuals he represents.
The choice made by Esau, the first born of Isaac, between his birthright(the spiritual) and a meal (material) represents the lifestyle or the worship of the first people born of Abraham(Israel).
Those leaders and their people will use the life from God to seek for material richness, they will corrupt the life in exchanging God's blessing against the material and will be cut off of Abraham's offspring.

The second group and his leaders (Isaac-Jacob) will buy the blessing from the firsts and use it to glorify God, to seek for godliness. They will use their bodies to improve their spiritual lives, to get eternal life(the Church).

The above explanation summarizes the story of the mankind and explains all the trouble in today world.

How do men created on God's image get along with men born of human will?

The presence of the corruption next to the purity defiles the latter, the corruption contaminates the holiness, it destroys progressively the righteousness in spreading through its different components and ends up taking control of the whole body(killing purity).

This process of defilement is described in the Bible by different words like Cain kills Abel (Cain/Abel). It means that Cain mixes with Abel(Cain+Abel) or Cain takes control of Abel. The corruption spreads inside the purity in order to absorb it completely.

In the case of Abraham and Sarah, the Bible speaks about Ishmael persecuting Isaac, trying to take control of him; that's why he was sent away.
Esau was the result of Isaac persecution by Ishmael; his choice explain the lifestyles of the men born of human intrusions in God's will. Think of a rotten apple put next to a good apple.
Esau was the point of contact between the bad and the good apple. The representant of the corruption inside the purity.

To keep Isaac pure, God sent Ishmael away; God cut Jacob from esau influence like someone cutting off a rotten piece of an apple to free the good part.
Jacob choice of the spiritual above the material explains his behavior of a leader of the spiritual life, a life builds on God's promise.

Another explanation of the advance of the corruption is the marriage of people of different lifestyles: the daughters of men marrying the sons of God means the human traditions mixing with the word of God.

The corruption is represented by the people who use their existence to seek for material richness. They can grow their wealth only by using other peoples' lives and turning it into material for themselves.
Their souls are so impregnated by that lifestyle that they lose all restrain and are ready to do whatever it takes to attain their goals. They can kill people, kill their own relatives, sell drugs, prostitute their children, sell guns, start wars...
in order to satisfy their twisted minds.

The corruption controls the truth, it hides behind the truth, it twists the truth in order to justify its evil lifestyle. It is ready to kill anybody who stands in its way.
Because it lives through the destruction of the purity and of the truth, there is only one way to fight against it: to stand up against it and to die for the truth.

The rest of Abraham's descendants is a development of the above explanation as the people multiply and as his behavior translates into a lifestyle born of God's or human will.

Adam's story follows along because it is the summary of Abraham's testimony of the evolution of humanity.

1.Adam & Eve
2. Abraham & Sarah
3. Abraham & Nations

Now we can project the separation of the nations in good and evil based on what happened in both Adam and Abraham's lives; the disobedience will be represented by the followings:

1A. Eve/Adam=> Eve mixes with Adam=>Eve+Adam
2A. Sarah/Abraham=>Sarah uses Abraham for herself=>Sarah+Abraham
3A. Nations/Abraham=>Nations mix with Abraham(Jews) or Nations kill Abraham or Nations control Abraham or Nations uses Abraham for themselves=>Nations+Abraham.
The first nation to twist God's blessing is the people of Israel, Abraham's natural children.
They will use God's blessing to glorify their land, their race, their traditions.
They are only an explanation of how the gentiles will twist the word of God in order to exhalt themselves.

To stop the Gentiles from getting to Abraham(the blessing) directly, God has put him under Sarah's control.
When the Nations will try to get to Abraham, they will need to go through Sarah as followed:

4A. Nations/Sarah/Abraham.

This means that in order to use God's blessing (Abraham) for themselves, the Nations need to kill or to take control or to mix with Sarah's children, the people of israel.
But God has forbidden the people of Israel not to mix with any other people in order to help the Nations move to the right side of Abraham's spiritual descendants, the spiritual Jews or the Church.

The obedience on the other hand will be represented as followed:

1B. Adam/Eve=>Adam is separated of Eve=>Adam-Eve
2B. Abraham/Sarah=> God fulfils His promise without Sarah=> Abraham-Sarah
3B. Abraham/Nations=>God blesses the Nations without human intervention

This means that in order to bless the Nations, God will reveal Abraham's spiritual descendants, the children of the promise represented in the Bible by the Church.
The Church represent Abraham's spiritual children, the children of the promise, who will use Abraham's blessing to glorify God, to exhalt His wisdom, His holiness, His justice...

4B. Abraham/Sarah/Nations=> represent the Nations who follow the example of the Jewish Christians, they receive God's word without trying to change it, submitting themselves to the teaching of Jesus-Christ passed on to the twelve apostles.

To belong to one or the other of Abraham's sides has a spiritual meaning.

Abraham's descendants are the teachings describing the carnal or the spiritual situation of the Nations. They tell us if we will be saved or destroyed.

The Everlasting Gospel will help those who are genuine towards God(the sheep or the wheat) to position themselves with the spiritual Jews in order to be saved while the hypocrites and the liars (the goats or the weed) will refuse to change their position next to the carnal Jews and will go to their doom.

Our next post will show us how the Nations will be separated in good and evil using as criteria the lives of Abraham and Sarah and their descendants the Jewish people.

May God peace be upon all who love Him and may the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all of us.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Abraham, the chosen one

"So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again. Let us go instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don't need to start all over again with the importance of turning away from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.
You don't need further instruction about baptism, the laying of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And so God willing we will move forward for further understanding". Hebrews 6:3.


We have seen that the corruption produced by the disobedience (sin) has spread all over humanity and is driving the mankind astray (towards evil) like in the ancient world.

To warn and to teach the faithful ones, God picked a man named Abraham to be used as an instrument to save those who deserve it, those who will be found worthy of eternal life.
In other words, from all the people born of Noah after the mighty flood; God chose Abraham to be the blessing of all the others called the nations or the gentiles.

Abraham had been called by God to bless the nations (Gentiles).
His natural children, the Jews were separated of the Gentiles to serve as a mean of salvation to them. Romans 9:11-13.
This is the only way to understand and to explain the relationship between Jews and Gentiles.
Trying to separate Jews and Gentiles based on human interests and standards is plainly wrong.

The life of Abraham (Jews) will be used by God:

A. To explain what happened and led to the destruction of the ancient world;
B. To predict what will happen in the future;
C. To shield the corruption from wrapping up the purity;
D. To distinguish the rebellion from the submission, to separate evil and good;
E. To serve as a bridge to move humanity from earth to heaven, from death to immortality.

At the end of the day, God will have fulfilled His promise of blessing all the nations through Abraham and his descendants.

The idea here is that God has shown himself through Abraham (the father of the nations).
The Gentiles who are already born naturally of their own parents can be reborn in Abraham (God) only by a spiritual way.
Since Abraham had already his own natural children (Israel), it will be impossible for the nations to pretend to be Abraham's natural descendants (it is a lie). Revelation 2:9; 3:9.

To stress that separation between Gentiles (Abraham's spiritual descendants) and Jews (Abraham's natural descendants), God forbade to Jews to mix with gentiles through marriages or in sharing a common lifestyle.

Only one way is left open: the spiritual link(the Church) that will tie the nations to abraham (God) and lead to eternal life.

Because the nations can be linked to Abraham only following a spiritual link; those of the nations who will pretend to be abraham's natural children will find themselves on the wrong path and must move to the right side in order to be saved.

It is also impossible for the nations to be at the crossing roads of the spiritual and the natural offsprings because only the Jews who left the Law of Moses for the Gospel of Jesus-Christ can justify that kind of double relationship with Abraham.

We repete that the nations born naturally of Adam have inherited of his sin and corruption that lead to death and they need to be born again spiritually in Abraham (God) in order to receive righteousness and holiness that lead to eternal life.

What happened and led to the destruction of the ancient world?
What will happen in the future (today)?
How does Abraham shield purity from the attacks of corruption?
How to distinguish rebellion and submission, evil and good?
How to distinguish the bridge that goes to heaven from the one that leads to the bottomless pit?

All the answers to these questions can be found in exploring the similarities between Abraham and Adam(the disobedience); and between Abraham and Jesus (the obedience).

To move the Gentiles from disobedience to obedience, Abraham needed to become like them (Adam=Abraham) in order to show them the opposite way toward heaven (Abraham=Jesus).
This position between Adam and Jesus enable Abraham to explain what happened in the ancient world and to project what will happen in the future.
Abraham is the stepping stone between Adam and Jesus.



=> 2A.Sarah/Abraham=>(Sarah+Abraham).


=> 2B.Abraham/Sarah=>(Abaham-Sarah).

Following the identical patterns in both Adam's and Abraham's lives, we can uncover the causes and effects of both the obedience and the disobedience in the ancient and in today worlds.
Those patterns bring up the criteria separating rebellion from submission.
Those criteria help to distinguish the lie (evil) and the truth(good) inside the Church of the nations and lay down the two paths leading to eternal doom or eternal life

The Jews are the spiritual path that leads to heaven; they are the spiritual vessel that bridge humanity and divinity, they are the door to immortality.
At the same time, they show the carnal path that leads to destruction; they show the door that goes to eternal damnation.

If the Jews had beleived in Jesus-Christ directly, the spiritual door would have been closed as soon as it had been opened.
To keep the door opens in order to predict and project the behavior of the nations who will rebel against Him,God has hardened their mind until the right time (today).
Romans 11:25-32.

The revelation of this hidden teaching shows God's will of freeing the Jewish minds in order for them to take the lead once more and to open-close the door to heaven. Revelation 7:4;14:1-5.


Let's pretend that you are a father who wants to marry his only daughter and leaves all your richness to the children born of that marriage.
But before the wedding, your daughter sleeps with her husband to be, gets pregnant and gives birth to a first child.
This child is not born following your will (plan) and will not inherit from you.
Let's say that she finally gets married and had a second child with her husband.
The second child is born following your plan (will) and will receive the planned inheritance.

This story illustrate what happened with Adam and Eve and gave life to Cain and Abel.

God wants to give the world (the earth) to those who obey him, who represent His will, his likeness, his glory; He refuses to give the earth to those who despise Him, who oppose him, those who represent themselves.

He has set the creation so that those who reject Him may be bunched together under the disobedience of Adam and Eve:

1A.Eve/Adam or Eve+Adam:

while those who respect and love Him may be gathered together under the obedience of Adam and Eve:

1B. Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve.

When a man builds a house, he designs it so that the used water, the urine and the feces, the garbage and all the dirty material can be gathered and sent away in order to keep the inhabitants of the house clean and in good health.

The disobedience is the garbage and the septic tank destined to be sent away while the obedience represents the inhabitants who will live in the house.


God blessed the world after creating the man. Genesis 1:28.
After the fall, God's plan is to use Abraham's life to bless the world; he will do so using the son (Isaac) born of his wife Sarah.

1B. Adam/Eve
=> (Adam-Eve) = Abel = Good Offering (GO).
=> (Abraham-Sarah) = Isaac = Jacob = Promise (PRO).

But Sarah would not wait any longer and she took that very same life and used to have a child (Ishmael) through her servant (Agar).
Eve did the same thing and dragged Adam into sin.

1A. Eve/Adam
=> (Eve+Adam) = Cain = Bad Offering (BO).
2A. Sarah/Abraham
=> (Sarah+Abraham) = Ishmael = Esau = Traditions (TRA).

God has a global perspective, He sees the welfare of the whole humanity at all the time but the man has a limited perspective; he sees only the profit he can draw for himself in a closed area and a limited time.

When God promised to bless the nations using Abraham's life, He did it on His own; He did not ask for help from Sarah (Abrahaham-Sarah); in the same way when god created the man, He did not need any help coming from Eve (Adam-Eve), He had His own plan.

God had promised that He will bless the world through the son (Isaac), which Abraham will have with his wife Sarah; He did not say that He will bless the world through the son (Ishmael), which Sarah will have through her husband.

This means that God has His own plan and does not need any human interferences; because when human mixes his will with God's (Eve+Adam or Sarah+Abraham), it gives birth to the opposite of God's will: Cain (bad offering) or human traditions (Ishmael=Esau).
But when man follows God's lead without meddling (Adam-Eve or Abraham-Sarah), it leads to the fulfilment of God's promise (Isaac=Jacob) or Abel (the good offering).

We have seen how human interferences twist the straight path of God, how it corrupts the life and uses it on the contrary of God's assigned way; we have seen egally how the submission straighten the path of God, keep the life pure and follow God assigned plan.

Because the life is a process of purification: the fight will translated spiritually in a combat between corruption and purity.
The men who use the life against God's word produce corruption and spread it all over the mankind while the men who live accordingly to God's word will detect the origin of corruption and fight to keep themselves clean.

The corruption is produced by the use of the life from God for human or material purposes also called the human traditions or the life based on human knowledge and interests.
The purity or holiness is produced by the use of life from God for spiritual, godly or heavenly purposes also called the word of God or the life based on God's wisdom.

The male (Adam) represents the life from God (the purity).
The female (Eve) represents the Body from the ground (the corruption).
The use of the life for human or earthly purposes (1A.Eve/Adam or Eve+Adam) defiles the life and gives way to corruption(Cain = Bad Offering)
The use of life for spiritual or godly purposes (1B.Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve) purifies the life and gives way to holiness (Abel = Good Offering).

The man (Abraham) represents the life built upon God's word, a life that walks towards God's promise.

2B. Abraham/Sarah
=> Abraham-Sarah = Isaac = Jacob = Promise (PRO).

The woman (Sarah) represents the life built upon the human traditions, a life that interferes in God's plan.

=> Sarah+Abraham=Ishmael=Esau=Traditions(TRA).

Abraham represents the man who walks following God's spirit; he lives a spiritual life. He represents the Spirit of God: Jesus, the son of God. Romans 8:14.

The nations represent all the people of the earth whose lives are based on human, earthly or material interests; they are guided by the need to sustain their material lives; they represent the human tradition, the carnal life or the life controlled by the body needs also called the flesh.

They will be called byGod to abandon their old lifestyle for the new one brought by the Gospel.
The responses of the nations to God's call will have them redirected and separated in Disobedience and obedience (rebellion and submission or good and evil).

In our next posting, we will show how the nations have gone through God's plan buit around Abraham's life following below summary.

Evolution of the mankind

1.Adam & Eve
2.Abraham & Sarah
3.Abraham & Nations

Separation of the mankind


1A. Eve/Adam
3A.Nations/Abraham => 4A.Nations/Sarah/Abraham.


3B.Abraham/Nations => 4B. Abraham/Sarah/Nations.

The judgment of the nations will be set by their positionment to the left or the right side of Abraham.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Summary on Adam

We have said that the human life is made of the body from the ground and the life from God
(adam & Eve).

The meeting of the two gives birth to the soul, which is the feeling of life through the body senses.

The soul or mind gives to the human life the ability to think and to act upon choices.
The choices are made based on two system of thoughts: the human or earthly wisdom also called the human traditions and the godly or heavenly wisdom also called the word of God.

The human traditions are the use of the human life(the soul) for human, earthly or material purposes without regards to God's will or based on the will of a racial, tribal or territorial god.

The spiritual life prones the use of the human life (the soul) for universal, spiritual or heavenly purposes based on God's will revealed by His word: Jesus-Christ or the Gospel; the will of the true God is not linked to a race, a tribe or a land of the earth; it concerns the whole humanity.

The use of the human life for human, earthly and material purposes is called the disobedience or the sin: in this case, the life is subjected to the body needs.

The mix between the impurities from the body and the purity of the life defiles the life, corrupts the life and produces a smell of spiritual rotenness, which is a bad offering to God.

1A.Eve/Adam => (Eve+Adam) = Cain = corruption = Bad Offering (BO).

The sin also called the carnal (charnel) life or the flesh in short produces a lifestyle of evil opposite to the will of God called the devil.
The devil is the mind that controls the men who oppose God, his mission is to gather the rebellion against God and to assign it different tasks: you can see it through the facts that all who oppose God are bunched togheter under a certain doctrine, a specific lifestyle or whatever style of clothing.

1A1.Cain/Abel=>(Cain+Abel)=(BO+GO)=Twisted Offering(TWIO)=Daughters Of Men(DOM).

The use of the human life (the soul) for spiritual, heavenly or immaterial purposes is called the obedience or the righteousness: in this case the body is subjected to the needs of the life.
The separation between the purity of life and the impurities from the body improves and enhances the quality of the life, it produces a smell of spiritual correctness, which is a good offering to God.

1B1.Adam/Eve =>(Adam-Eve) = Abel = Purity = Good Offering (GO)

The righteousness also called the spiritual life or the Spirit in short produces a lifestyle of holiness called Jesus-Christ.
Jesus-Christ is the mind that controls the men who submit to God; his mission is to gather those who belong to God and to assign them different missions: you can see it through the facts that all who love God are(will be) grouped together under the Gospel of Jesus-Christ, a lifestyle of spiritual correctness and a descent style of clothing.(Now and In the future)

1B1.Abel/Cain => (Abel+Cain) = (GO-BO) = Purified Offering (PURO) = Sons Of God(SOG).

The carnal life is the life before God's call; it is the foundation for the multiplication of humans and must serve as a stepping stone for the spiritual life.

The spiritual life is the goal of the creation: to bring to godliness or to divinity as many as possible through the practice of the word of God.

The opposition between the flesh (carnal life) and the Spirit (spiritual life) gives way to the rebellion when the flesh controls the Spirit and to the submission when the flesh is submitted to the spirit.

1A3.DOM/SOG=>(DOM+SOG)=(TWIO+PURO)=Rottenness=Anakin or Nephilim.(ANAK)

The fight between the rebellion and the submission leads to a great rottenness that makes some people unable to distinguish between good and evil and takes them right up to their doom or it
can lead to a complete righteousness that sharpen some other people minds, helping them to separate corruption and purity and leading them to heaven.


The last step is for the rebellion to take to their doom as many as possible and for the submission to save as many as possible.
The submission will warn the world about the coming judment and the need for the people to straighten out their lives while the rebellion will try to shut off the warning and to push the world ahead in keeping up with their dissolute life and fulfill its evil mission.

What we have seen in Genesis is in fact the summary of the life's process of purification set up by God;the process goal is to separate the dirt and the clean using the mankind itself.

Everyone should carefully check on his relashionships to see where they are getting to, in order to cut off the wrong ties or to reinforce the good ones: because the devil or Jesus-Christ can be in that good friend sitting next to you.

Does he speak of God mixing the will of God with other human doctrines like white supremacy, democracy or other human traditions? does his (or her) lifestyle matches his(her) outwardy look of purity?
It is easy to check that links: on this last days, the devil passes for a godly fellow: he shows himself as a godly person: check on his speaches and his deeds .

For the other guy who does not want to have anything to do with God, you do not have any business with him; talk to him about God, if he starts slandering God or Jesus-Christ, do not insist, let him go to his doom: do not invite him inside your house to talk about football, baseball, fashion or anything like that; do not give way to the devil because, he is inside that man or woman, ready to prey on you.

The above process of selection will now be reinforced and explained using the life of Abraham the Chosen one and extended to us (the gentiles or the nations) in order to see the future and to make the right choice.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cain kills Abel (the fight between man and God)

Cain is the carnal life (flesh) born of the use of the life from God for human purposes (1A.Eve/Adam or Eve+Adam); he produces corruption because of the mixture between the impurities of the body with the purity of the life; and the subsequent rottenness that comes out of that lifestyle is unpleasant to God.

Abel is the spiritual life (Spirit) born of the use of the life from God for godly or spiritual purposes (1B.Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve); he produces holiness because he fights to keep the impurities from the human body from contaminating the purity of the life; and the subsequent cleanliness that comes out of that kind of lifestyle is a pleasant flagrance to God.

Cain represents the human life based on human will and knowledge when Abel represents the spiritual life born of God's will and wisdom.

God's plan is to bring man to godliness, to divinity, to immortality.
To do so, He needs to teach him about holiness, honesty, purity, love, peace, compassion, kindness, which are spiritual realities, invisible to human eyes.
That is why God gave a body to humanity: to help him learn about spirituality.

But there is a long time between a birth and the time for a man to be able to think and to make different choices, : the time of ignorance as called in the Bible (Acts 17:30).
During that time, the corruption created by the use of the life for human growth pushes humanity to every kind of selfish behaviors.
These behaviors are linked to the different origins or colors of the people and to the need of controlling the locations of resources needed to sustain the human body.
Between that time frame, Man has learned shelfishness, dishonesty, impurity and other sorts of negative things.
That time was uselful for the multiplication of the human kind and will serve as a foundation to teach him about the opposite way around (toward Heaven).

At the right time, God sent His word through His son Jesus-Christ to call the mankind to the holy life, the spiritual life; they must turn away from their old lifestyle and follow the new teaching in order to glorify God on earth and to live forever with Him in Heaven when the body dies and decays.

The reply of Cain to God's call is a prediction about the responses of some men towards God's call when humanity has multiplied.

God declared Cain's offering a bad one and gave him a chance to redeem himself, to abandon his old life and to embrace the new wave. Genesis 4:6-9.
Cain refused, killed his brother and increased the corruption in mankind's life.

1A1.Cain/Abel => (Cain+Abel) = BO+GO = Twisted Offering = Daughters of men.

Cain kills Abel means that Cain mixes with Abel.
Cain represents the corruption: a lifestyle built on the corruptible, the perishable, the earth, the material or the human body; a bad offering for God (BO).

Abel represents the purity: a lifestyle built upon the incorruptible, the imperishable, the heaven or God's Spirit, a good offering to God (GO).

Because Cain refused to give up his old lifestyle, his human traditions; he brought them and mixed them with the lifestyle of Abel, contaminating his purity, killing him and affecting all his descendants.

The new generation born of the mix between Cain and abel will be drawing near God or using the life from God in a new way: a mix of Cain and Abel lifestyles.
We call it a twisted offering because the corruption (flesh) is taking control of the holiness (spirit) to use it for human purposes.

To preserve the distinguo between the male (God) and the female (body), this new breed will be called the daughters of men (DOM): a people whose purity is used for the body's needs.We summarize it as:

1A1. Cain/Abel => Cain+Abel = BO+GO = TWIO = DOM.

But God is on the lookout and the truth can not be killed; He restaures the truth and manifests His witness:

1B1. Abel/Cain => Abel-Cain=GO-BO=Purified Offering(PURO)= Sons of God (SOG).

God picks Abel and rejects Cain. Hebrews 11:4.

Cain killed his brother and used his offering to feed, cloth and glorify himself thinking that he has outsmarted God.But for God, the spirit of the righteous does not die, he passes to the new generation and is an eternal witness.
So God revealed the truth to some of Abel descendants who aparted themselves of the surrounding wicked lifestyle; they figured out the difference between corruption and purity, got rid of the corruption and become the sons of God: a people whose lifestyle is built upon the spirit's needs. We summarize it as:

1B1.Abel/Cain => (Abel-Cain) = GO-BO = PURO = SOG

The process goes on: the presence of the daughters of men(BO+GO) among the sons of God(GO-BO) pushed the latter to mix with them through marriages.The consequences are again an increase of the level of rottenness and the apparition of a wicked people called Anakin or Nephilim. Genesis 6:4-5.
That people was so corrupted that he was not able to make a difference between good and evil and was all along driven towards evil.
That when God decided to flush out evil; He chose to save Noah because of his purity (righteousness) and gave him the plan for the construction of the Ark to bear witness for Him. We summarize that step as following:

1A2.DOM/SOD => (DOM+SOG) = TWIO+PURO=Wrong Offering(WRO)=Anakin
1B2.SOG/DOM => (SOG-DOM) = PURO-TWIO=Right Offering (RIO)=Noah

The very last step is that after starting to built the Ark, Noah did not shut his mouth; he was telling his brothers about the need to turn away from their dissolute lifestyle but was not listened to. 2 Peter 2:5, he was laugh at, until the flood came.
The same thind happens today as we write this revelation.

1A3.ANAK/NOAH => (ANAK+NOAH) = WRO+RIO=Total Corruption=Flood=Death
1B3.NOAH/ANAK => (NOAH-ANAK) = RIO - WRO=Righteousness=Ark=Life.

When corruption reaches a given level; when men are crying all over the world to God because of the suffering and the pain brought to them by some other people.
when some men are building a world of evil in order of making a living out of it.
When men are twisting the law, the truth in order to fulfill their dark agenda.
When you can not distinguish the light from the darkness: that is the time.
And that time is today.

This is today's Ark and it is destined to bring to safety those who can be saved.
How to make sure that this is not a hoax? everything will be settled by the testimony of two or three people: We have another witness in Abraham, the chosen one.
Abraham's life was used by God to teach the world about good and evil and will be our next witness.

Corruption and Purity

We have said that the use of the life from God (1A.Eve/Adam) for human, material or earthly purposes (Eve+Adam) produces a carnal life (Cain), which is a bad offering to God.

1A.Eve/Adam = (Eve+Adam) => Cain = BO (Bad offering) = corruption

The use of the life from God (1B.Adam/Eve) for godly, universal or spiritual purpose (Adam-Eve) produces a spiritual life (Abel), which is a good offering to God.

1B.Adam/Eve = (Adam-Eve) => Abel = GO (Good Offering) = Righteousness

How do we represent this in real life?
 Let's use water(life) to clean a human (body).
We can do so through a shower or a bath.
By showering himself, an individual can clean himself correctly by moving away the sweat, urine and feces coming out from the human body,while by using the bathtub, the person is not well cleaned because of the sweat, urine and feces that stay with him in the bathtub.

As we said before, life was given to humanity as a stage of purification before getting to heaven; in other words, before getting to immortality, which is God's way of life, man must learn how to keep himself clean, pure.
He does so by practicing carefully the instructions given to him by the word of God.

Let's say that instead of using the life as God intended (to purify himself), the man decides to use it for his own purposes (to glorify himself).
 what will happen?

We all know that the human body was drawm from the ground(earth) and that life comes from God(heaven).
The earth soil is full of every kind of dirtiness while the heaven is clean, pure.
The fact for the man(meat) to sit in the water instead of using it to wash himself corrupts the water; the scum, the germs, the urine, the feces from the human body spoil the water;
it defiles the life.
As time goes by, the corruption increases and infects all the water; and soon or later, it will rotten all the life, destroy the life, kill the life.
That man will be a source of all kind of sickness and problems for his peers because the corruption he produces will contaminate and kill everyone who gets in contact with him without the right knowledge.
The other way around is that the man (the body) uses the life as God intended; instead of sitting in the water, he uses it to wash his mouth, his body and to flush off the corruption produced by the human body, he uses his life to glorify God.
This man will be cleansed; his life will be purified by the water; the corruption created by the human body will not affect him.
He is going to be a spring of purity because he is going to teach others how to keep themselves pure based of what he has learned from the word of God: Jesus-Christ or the Gospel.

Now, we have seen the origin of the corruption and of the purity: the human wisdom or the human traditions for the carnal life and God's wisdom or the word of God for the spiritual life.

The carnal life produces the bad smell of the spiritual corruption and is unpleasant to God while the spiritual life produces a pleasant flagrance, a smell of a righteous lifestyle, which is pleasant to God. 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.

What happens when corruption and purity live together on the same ground? do we see it in our lives today?What is the true meaning of the murder of Abel by Cain?
That will be our next subject.

Life is a worship

Life was given to humanity to search for God, to seek for godliness.(Acts 17:27-28).

The Bible uses such expressions as to worship God, to work for the glory of God or to draw near God to teach that life was given to human so they can use their soul to reach godliness, to be like God, to reflect God: The result will be a sanctified soul, a righteous mind, a loving spirit that will be admitted in heaven to live with God forever.

This lifestyle built upon God’s word produces a lifestyle of good deeds, which testify about the holiness and the righteousness of God spirit.

We say that the use of the life for spiritual purposes (1B. Adam/Eve),
also called the obedience (or righteousness) gives birth to the spiritual life (Abel)
or simply the Spirit (built upon God’s spirit), which is a good offering to God.

The opposite way is a bad offering: the use of life for human purposes (1A. Eve/Adam),
also called the disobedience (sin) gives birth to the carnal life (Cain), a corrupted lifestyle that is unpleasant to God.
It produces a lifestyle of bad deeds, of hatred, which shows the evil spirit leading the rebellion to God.
It represents a bad offering to God, a lifestyle of ingratitude from some men to whom God had given life.

Disobedience and obedience


1. Adam & Eve
1A. Eve + Adam
1B. Adam - Eve

2. Abraham & Sarah
2A. Sarah + Abraham
2B. Abraham - Sarah

3. Abraham & the Nations
3A. Nations + Abraham or
4A. Nations+(Sarah+Abraham)
3B. Abraham - Nations or
4B. (Abraham-Sarah)-Nations


All humanity comes from Adam and Eve.
The people of the ancient world (Genesis) were separated
in desobedience and obedience:
the disobedients (1A.Eve+Adam) were destroyed by the mighty flood while
the obedients (1B. Adam- Eve) were saved by the Ark (Noah and his family).

From all men born of Noah and his three sons,
God chose Abraham to be the savior of all the others.
Abraham and Sarah and their children,
the Jews will be used by God to teach and to separate
all the other nations called the gentiles.

The Jews will be separated in two different groups:
the disobedience (2A. Sarah+Abraham) and
the obedience (2B. Abraham-Sarah).

This will allow the separation of the rest of the nations or the gentiles
in two different groups based on the criteria set up using Abraham's life
as shown the Bible.
To belong to the right or the left side of Abraham will determine
the state of mind of every single nation.

(3A. Nations+Abraham) gathers
the disobedience of the nations and
(3B. Abraham-Nations) shows the nations
that are part of the obedience.

Applying 2A and 2B to 3A and 3B gives
(4A. Nations+(Sarah+Abraham) and
(4B. Abraham-Sarah)-Nations), which are the nations linked to
the disobedience or the obedience of Abraham and Sarah using their children,
the Jewish people.

At the end of the day (today), God will reveal this truth to His chosen ones,
so that they can pass it on to the nations in order for them to position
themselves on the good side of Abraham (Jesus) and inherit the eternal life
promised to them since the foundation of the world.

The nations that will abide by God's rules: the sheep or the wheat,
will be saved while those that will reject God's plan: the goats or the weed,
will be destroyed.

Remember the right side and the left side of Abraham represent
the left side and the right side of the son of man.
Matthew 25: 31-46.

Creation, disobedience and obedience

The Bible describes the relationship between God (the Creator) and humanity (the creature). This relationship opens two ways: the disobedience, when humanity goes its on way and turns his back to God’s will; and obedience, when humanity follows God’s word and submits to God’s will.

We have two famous names in the Bible to represent the two concepts:
Adam for the disobedience and Abraham for the obedience.

The mankind will be separated in two different people based on these two concepts.
The men who despise or reject God’s word are the bearer of the curse;
they will bring pain and suffering on the mankind.
Those who follow Adam’s example will share with him the eternal shame that is the reward for their evil deeds.

Those who love and submit to God will spread joy and wellness upon humanity;
they will share with Abraham, an eternal glory for spreading God’s blessing upon the mankind.

Principles of the creation.

The relationship of obedience or disobedience between God and humanity,
is explained through the Bible as a relationship between a man and a woman.

1. Adam & Eve.
2. Abraham & Sarah.
…God created man,
male and female, He created them. Genesis 1:27.
...for man is God's glory, made in God's own image but
woman is the glory of man. I Corinthians 11:7.
The male represents the invisible part of the human life:
the purity of life from Heaven (God) while the female represents the visible part of human life:
the filthiness of the body from the ground (the earth).
The meeting of the life and the body gives the living soul:
the feeling of life through the body senses.
And the Lord God formed a man's body from the dust
of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life.
And the man became a living person. Genesis 2:7.

The spiritual life (the Spirit)

The Bible says that God created the man to His likeness, to His own image.Genesis 1:27.
The will or the plan of God for the man is to reproduce or to reflect the existence or the lifestyle of the invisible God.
In other words, the use of the life from God by the man must be done accordingly to God's word.
1A. Adam-Eve => Abel => good offering.
2A. Abraham-Sarah => Isaac => Jacob => The promise of blessing

In this case, the man respects the order set up by God.
For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman but woman for man. I Corinthians 11:8-9.

The practice of the word of God will give birth to a lifestyle built upon God Spirit, a reflect of God's image.
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Romans 8:14.

The carnal life (the flesh)

God did not create man for him to use the life from God to do his own will, to please himself. In doing so, the man goes against God's order, he creates a life opposed to God's spirit, the evil spirit or the corruption that comes from a mix between the purity od life and the filthiness of the body. For example:

1B. Eve+Adam => Cain => Bad offering

2B. Sarah+Abraham => Ishmael => Traditions,

The man must not use the life based on his own plans, he must follow God's direction.

The human life.

There is a long periode between a man birth and the time when he will be able to understand and to practice God's will. That time is consacrated to the physical growth of the body without much consideration for the word of God; it is the time allowed for human multiplication.

God's plan of reproducing Himself (to have many children) can be reached only by giving an identity to different human beings born of different races and parents and living on different parts of the earth; their races, their locations and their lifestyles serving as means of identification that will be used to reward or to punish them.

But even that period of time is reglemented: the men who will not be conceived based on God's intentions will be set aside of the selection.

The human life( the life based on the satisfaction of the body needs) is the opposite of the spiritual life (the life based on the life needs); it serves as a foundation for the spiritual life.

The good observance of God's rules in that period contributes to an easy passage from humanity to spirituality while the lack of observance will lead to a difficult passage or to a jam.
The human life is interesting to God only if it can lead to a spiritual life.
A human life that does not open on a spiritual path is useless and destined to destruction.

The human life produces a corruption that spreads and infects the other lives around it;
it gets worst as time goes by and must be destroyed.

1A. Eve + Adam => Cain => Bad offering and
2A. Sarah + Abraham => Ishmael => human traditions
had infected all the lives around them.
The first led to the flood and the second led to the rejection of Israel.

3. Abraham & the nations
God has shown Himself through Abraham in making him father of the nations.
God is spirit and all nations are made of flesh.
Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh...Genesis 6:3.

1A. Eve+Adam.
2A. Sarah + Abraham
Eve dragging Adam into sin or Sarah giving Abraham to her servant show how humans will use the life from God for human, earthly or material purposes.
It is a prediction of the sin or the way men will turn away from God's will.
A prophesy explaining how the man will use the life to fulfill his material interest without regards to the will of God.
How the nations or the gentiles will use God's blessing (the Gospel) as a mean to fulfill their selfish human agenda .

The human life is a selection by itself.
All men are born outside of God's will (they are born sinners).
Only those conceived following God preset criteria will be allowed inside the spiritual realm while those conceive outside of God's revealed law will be kept outside of God's presence.
But the scriptures have declared that we are all prisoners of sin, so the only way to receive God's promise is to beleive in Jesus-Christ. Galatians 3:22.

In the other hand, the use of the soul for spiritual, godly or heavenly purposes is the righteousness or the obedience.
(1B.Adam/Eve or Adam-Eve).
In this case the man uses his body to fulfill God’s requirements.

The use of the life for material purposes corrupts the life,
it spoils the life that turns into a harmful power:
the devil or the opposition to God also called the carnal life or the sinful nature.

The use of the body for spiritual purposes improves the life,
it enhances the life and turns it into constructive power:
Jesus-Christ or the submission to God also called the spiritual life or the Spirit.

How to understand (interpret) the Bible

The Bible comes from a spiritual being, God.
(II Ti. 3:16;II Peter 1:20-21).
Because spiritual realities are invisible to human eyes, God uses
earthly and human material to teach about heavenly and spiritual realities.
Under this viewpoint, the Bible is a spiritual book that uses earthly
belongings to explain invisible realities.
This orientation explains the ultimate plan of God:
to bring humanity to divinity, to move the mankind from mortality to immortality, from death to eternal life.

The Everlasting Gospel (Rev. 14:6-13)

The Everlasting Gospel Revelation prepares the Church for the Return
of Jesus-Christ.

It unveils God's plan for the separation of humanity

in good and evil.

It explains how the Nations born naturally of Adam have inherited of his sin and corruption that lead to death; and how they would be reborn spiritually of Abraham to receive righteousness and holiness that lead to eternal life.

At the end of the day (today), the nations will be separated in disobedience and obedience using the criteria set up by God using the lives of Abraham and his descendants.

This teaching is intended to help those who love God to separate themselves from those who despise him.

It is the loud trumpet that gathers God's elects from one end of the earth to the other end of heavens.

Brothers and sisters, get ready for the coming of the Lord!